
Friday, May 20, 2011

Lemon Roasted Chicken and some other rambling

This week has really worked on my hormones and emotions.  I'm about spent.  We began the week with a party for my oldest on Sunday.  She not only turned 4 this week, but she also finished her 3 year-old school year.  She's going to "big girl" school next year and sees only how big she is and what there is to conquer out in the world.  This is her just 3 years ago.

I just love the baby puffy skin.  You know that rounded look they have when they're still really little?

And now she's 4. 

She's informed me that she doesn't need to hold my hands in parking lots (I absolutely did not let that fly!) or have me help her brush her teeth.  As we walked out of her "baby school" I wanted to soak up every minute; she just wanted to tell me about big girl school next year. 

I'm so very proud of my girl.  I just wish I could slow it down a little.  It reminds me to make a conscious effort every day to soak up each little moment that I can, the good and the messy. (that's a waffle in her toes)
So with all of this growing up (and my baby will be 1 very soon . . . . insert massive sobbing) I needed some comfort food. 

The smell of a chicken roasting (something I know the kids will eat without a battle) seems to put me at rest...besides that for an hour and a half it takes care of itself in the oven while I tend to more important things.  Like playing in the hose with my babies.

But back to the chicken.....

****Before pre-heating your oven, check your oven racks.  You pretty much want your bird on the lowest slot...because they're kinda tall.  It's never fun to realize there's not enough room for your bird after the oven is hot!****

Pre-heat your oven to 425.  Slice an onion and layer the slices in the bottom of a roasting pan (a 9x13 will do fine if you don't have a "roasting pan")

Start by pulling out all of the insides (necks and gizzards and whatnot) and rinsing her off.  *There are no pictures of this step because it looks just as gross as it sounds.  I just do it as fast as I can, throw away the evidence and act like it never happened*  Then pat her dry.  *I like to season my bird on a cookie sheet or cutting board.*  Drizzle with olive oil and give her a good rub down.

Lift the skin and put a few pats of butter underneath....

and some lemon slices.

Put the other lemon slices in the cavity.

Now rub the outside with salt and pepper and more olive oil if necessary. *Don't skimp...the skin is aaaaaahhhhhhhhmazing!*

Place her in the roasting pan on the bed of onion slices.  Roast for about an hour and a half. 

Hellllllllloooooooooooo, Gorgeous!

I'll be honest, we don't really go the formal carving route.  Everyone just kind of pulls what they like.  We're not very patient.  Then John will debone whatever meat is left, and we'll use it later for sandwiches, pasta, casseroles and whatnot.  The bones make a great stock...and fresh stock is SO much better than canned (as is the case with most things).

There's not really a "recipe" here.  just go with what you like.  I definitely think some fresh dill would be good here, too.  Try one today!!!

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