
Monday, May 16, 2011

A Tea Party Birthday

The Bug had a birthday party this weekend.  She is turning 4, so we invited her friends over for tea.  It was a great time!  I wish I had more pictures to show you, but it always gets crazy right before a party (possibly because I'm not as organized as I think I am, and I try to do waaaaaaaaaay too much!?!)  My awesome friend, Rene snapped these for me... so I can show you the setup.

We moved the couch over by the fireplace and pulled a table to the center of the living room.  My sister-in-law made some large tissue paper flowers to hang from the ceiling.  I love them so much I have refused to take them down!  They're so fun and bright. 

Here's the table in the middle of the room.

We arranged the food at different heights and threw in a picture of the birthday girl and some hydrangeas from the yard.

Because I didn't think 4 year olds would be too excited about actual tea, we made the cupcakes into tea cups.

The tea cup cakes were really cute and easier to make than I was thinking they would be.  I'm doing them again soon for a baby shower, so I'll show you step-by-step how to make them!

We had some more snacks on the counter.

I made this next picture huge, and there's a reason.  Do you see the green cupcakes on the fruit tray?  They're in there....did you find them???  Well let me tell you - they were a HIT!  They're about the strangest combination you could ever think of, but they. are. PERFECT.  I want to eat them every day!!!  You can find the recipe here.  Don't get hung up on the ingredients, just make them.  Really, like tonight. 

We sang to our sweet little girl, who adored the attention, by the way; and had a great time with family and friends.

But I am still crying because my first born will be 4 tomorrow.  How did that happen so fast?

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