
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Potatoes au Gratin

WARNING!  Extreme cheesy, creamy, carb-y, yummy-ness to follow!
Okay, I am a meat and potatoes kind of girl.  Not that I indulge in them at every meal. . . but when you start talking about favorites. . . there are potatoes.  Lots of them.  With cream and butter and cheese, please.  So without further ado ~

Gather the following:
Potatoes (about 1/person, maybe add a few extras if they're small)
1 cup heavy cream
3/4 cup milk
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese, plus some for topping (I pretty much used the whole bag)
4 cloves garlic, crushed
Salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 375 degrees (OH - perfect temp to sit in the oven next to the meatloaf ~ coincidence?).  You might also want to go ahead and grease a baking dish.  I had a pretty little oval, you can use whatever size fits the amount of potatoes you're cooking.

Slice your potatoes evenly, like so.  A mandoline would be fabulous here, if you have one.  Mine is broken :( so I just sliced them by hand.
Stand them up in your greased dish.  Make sure there's room for them to move a bit, you want cream to fit in all the cracks.

In a bowl, mix together the rest of the ingredients.
Pour that over, around and between the potatoes.
Put in oven uncovered for about 45 minutes, until you can stick a fork in them easily., creamy, bubbly goodness!!!
Remove from oven, and top with some more shredded cheddar. 
Put back in oven for about 12 minutes, until cheese is nice and bubbly.
Oooohhhhh. My. Wow!

Carb-loading (only on occasion) works for me!
See what works for everyone else.
works for me wednesdays


  1. Those look amazing. No need for anything but a salad to go with a dish that great. Thanks!

  2. I must say you did an excellent job on hand slicing them potatoes! Hubby made me toss my mandoline a while ago (the blade was getting dull which required a bit more work to slice and freaked him out watching me) ... I use my food processor now with the slicing blade. Not as nice but not as bad as trying to hand slice :) I like cheesy, carby yummy things!

  3. Great idea...I didn't even think about the food processor!

  4. Ummm, how about the amazing friend you came up with this recipe with?? Looks great!


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