
Monday, July 25, 2011

Airing My Dirty Laundry

No, really, my laundry pile is ridiculous.  Always overflowing.

My house is becomming a wreck.  I get to the daily tasks *for the most part*, but it's a little less clean every day.  That is to say, it-is-getting-cluttered-and-dirty-and-there-are-toys-and-dirty-laundry-everywhere-and-I-am-FREAKING-out

Our usual morning routine takes longer because we can't find anything, it's becoming increasingly difficult to find clean socks that match and I've been avoiding cooking dinner because I'd have to clean the kitchen before and after.  It seems as though every drawer, cabinet and closet is busting at the seams. 

I've spend a lot of time thinking about the 1,000 tasks that I need to get around to, but instead of completing them I usually just end up on the couch with an over sized bowl of ice cream drowned in Hershey's syrup and maraschino cherry juice (with sprinkles if I could find the bottle).

This morning, after digging through the dryer to find clothing for all of us and running out of the house without looking at the mess, I decided I needed a plan (I could probably stop here and write an entire post on my list-writing neurosis, but I'll save that for now.  My dirty house confession is giving me enough of a panic attack).

I've listed the different areas of my household.  Underneath each is a list of specific tasks for that area.  The idea is that when I only have 20 minutes I can focus all of my efforts on one task instead of being overwhelmed by the messiness and refusing to do any of it.  I also set a goal date for completion because I am competitive, even when I'm competing with my own self.  So here it is in all it's lengthy glory:

On the upside, I took my car to get an oil change at lunch!  But when I tried to get my inspection sticker, I remembered that my license is expired (face palm).  Maybe I should have titled this post "Get it Together, Girl".

I hope to couple this little guy with a daily cleaning schedule so my home will be more a refuge and less a panic-inducing land of chaos.  Oh yea!  I have 3 little ones - I guess the chaso will remain, but in a good way.

If you're like me and you need to get some stuff accomplished but don't know where to start, here's a blank list for you!  Good luck.

My Household Hit List
One for You!

This post is linked up to Works for Me Wednesday.


  1. Wow, that is an overwhelming list! lol Making list definitely helps me get stuff done as well. Good luck with your goal. :)

  2. Chores are always such a never ending battle. What a nice organized list though! I usually write chores in category's on a dry erase for everyone in the house based on what they can do. The kids enjoy erasing it when it's done! Good luck!


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