
Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Haircut for Tank

On a sunny Saturday morning a mother pulls into a nice little shopping area.  She parks her little baby crossover SUV and steps out into the sun.  From her back seat she unloads 3 small children, all young enough to require car seats with a 5-point harness.  With a baby on her hip, a 2 year old holding her hand and a 4 year old holding the baby's foot (because mom is out of hands) she navigates the parking lot and opens the door to a childrens' salon.  Barber's chairs are shiny, depicting cars and airplanes; cartoons play on flat screen TVs; a train table in the middle of the room is encirlced by 6 small children playing happily together; plush couches full of patiently waiting parents line one wall while shelves of colorful toys (to buy) line the other.  The mother ushers her children out of the heat and into the pleasant, air conditioned room.
Insert scratched record sound here.  This is when bliss gets interrupted.  The baby that was happily perched on mom's hip begins arching his back in an effort to get to the train table.  The 4 year old begins a line of requests, "Oh!  Momma, can I have this green bow?  Isn't this headband pretty?  I really want this puzzle!".  While juggling the baby and fielding requests from the 4 year old, mom doesn't even realize the 2 year old has slipped off her hand and randomly introducing himself to everyone in the place.  She signs in only to see she will be waiting through 7 other children's haircuts before she gets the one she needs for her son.
Does this sound familiar to anyone?  Logistically, it's just a hassle for me to take the kids to get haircuts.  Bug is growing hers out, so not much to worry about there.  But Tank usually has a mullet before I get around to taking him for a haircut, and *sigh* the baby's curls are turning straight, signaling to me that it's time for his first cut.
Never being one to back down from a challenge, I decided it would be easier to cut their hair myself than parade them into town.  I went to Sally's and bought a pair of shears for $20, a comb and a spray bottle.
I bet you think this is the part where I'm going to tell you how to cut hair, huh?  Sorry.  I have no clue what I'm doing.  I've just decided that I'm willing to figure it out.  I plopped him onto a stool, handed him a sucker (it helps them to sit still) and started chopping away.
Unfortunately, he was finished sitting before I was finished cutting.
That may have been because I was really slow.  I got a few more minutes out of him by handing him the spray bottle and letting him squirt me with cold water.
All in all, I thought it was pretty successful.  I went back the next day and trimmed his neck and around his ears with a trimmer.  I will be cutting his hair for a while, I think.
I don't know about the baby, though.  I mean, should mom do the 1st haircut? 


  1. Bring them to my house!!! Kid friendly and NO waiting!!!! Xoxo! But you did a great job! I can teach you a few things too! We will swap, you teach me some cooking tricks and I'll teach you to cut hair!!! Xoxo -Hayley

  2. Thanks Hayley! We'll have to do that.

  3. Right....lollipops are requirements for a good hair cut. They should serve lollies for adults too. LOL He looks adorable good job.


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