
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

When All Else Fails...

Life is busy.  It's been so very busy.  I could list all the reasons why, but I bet one thing: we all have busy lives.  Everything's been so crazy around here that I decided to skip bible study tonight and just stay home.  I was all the way home, with all 3 kids unloaded from the car before I stopped to think about the fact that I had no clue whatsoever about what to do for dinner. 

We had a pack of chicken tenderloins in the fridge.  There were some sweet peppers left from the market this weekend.  I found some evaporated milk in the pantry (don't wince, it's the perfect substitution for cream).  I decided to go with what I know.  When all else fails butter + cream will save the day.

This isn't so much a recipe as it is a reminder.  You can probably make a meal with what you have on hand if you just get creative and confident.

So here's what I did:  I melted some butter in a pan and added in the chicken (tenderloin strips), straight from the package.  I sprinkled on some Tony's and threw the bacon press on top.  After a few minutes, I flipped the chicken.  I added some onion and sweet peppers, because I had them and they would probably go bad in a day or two.  While that was all cooking {and smelling pretty good} I poked around the fridge for more ideas.  There was a little bit of the chili paste I'd used making Citrus-Chili Chicken, so I decided to add that.
In a bowl, I whisked a can of evaporate milk, what was left in the jar of chili paste and a little flour.  I poured that in and continued to add a little bit of this and that.  We ended up with a nice, quick meal that I didn't have to think about or plan.
Don't be afraid of your kitchen.  Melt some butter in a pan then add cream and flour (whisk this in a separate bowl first) --- you just made cream sauce.

Too thick?  Thin it our with a little chicken stock.

Too thin?  Add more flour - or cheese(!)

Bland?  Add in some vegetables, the end of a jar of something that's in the fridge, lemon juice, a seasoning packet... whatever you want!

Just remember: Butter + Cream + whatever flavorings you've got lying around = easy weeknight pasta.  And who doesn't need a good cream sauce after a busy day?

Linking up at Tidy Mom

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