
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Maw Maw Annie's Fudge

My Maw Maw Annie was a special lady.  She loved her family with everything in her.  Growing up we spent a lot of time with Maw Maw Annie and Paw Paw Joe.
Every time we would go to their house (and we're talking 3, 4, 5 days a week) the island in the kitchen would be lined with Rubbermaid containers, each one holding someone's favorite snack.  Everyone's favorites were there.  I could go on and on about her forever, but today I want to tell you about her fudge.
Every year at Christmas, and only at Christmas (save for a few special requests), she would make fudge.  It was always eagerly anticipated.  Maw Maw Annie would make the fudge, and Paw Paw Joe would stir the pot for her.  Every. Time.  They were amazing.  This highly regarded, once a year process ended when Paw Paw Joe passed away.  Because there was no one to stir the pot.
I always thought fudge-making was a super difficult and long process.  So when Bug asked me to make some, I kind of put her off about it for a while.  When I finally called my mom to get the recipe I was pretty surprised - it only took about 30 minutes to make it!  Mom scanned the page from Maw Maw's reciped book and emailed it to me so I would have it in my grandmother's handwriting. . . it's actually the one on the back of the Marshmellow Creme jar.
I set out to making a batch of fudge, laid it out to cool and ended up off in another corner of the house doing something else.  Which is about the time Tank climbed up onto the counter and helped himself to the pan.
Before I was able to cut it into nice, neat squares and take beautiful pictures of fudge to make your mouth water . . . well, life interviened.  The pan ended up looking like this:
*yes, he was using that very sharp knife to dig in the pan.  And since he was not bleeding when I found him, yes I was more worried about the fudge at that particular time.

You can print the recipe and make some for your family. . . maybe ask someone special to stir the pot???  And for heaven's sake - guard the pan while it's cooling!

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