
Thursday, August 5, 2010


I "recently" took Bug for her 3 year old pediatric well visit.  Recently is in quotations because this was probably a month ago, and I'm just getting around to posting about it.  She checked out just right on everything with the doctor.  He informed us that it's time for her to start seeing a dentist.  I know this is perfectly normal, really no big deal, but it set off a string of thoughts that's completely overwhelming to me.  There are TONS of things you just don't think about when you decide to have kids.  Transporting another person to the dentist happens to be one of them. 

I'd like to start by saying I am a clean person.  I shower daily, sometimes twice a day, and wash and dry my hair and brush my teeth.  But I've never been good at all the "extras".  For instance: I don't have specialized face wash - whatever is in the shower will do (soap, shampoo, plain water), my fingernails and toenails are kept short and very rarely painted, even during sandal season (much to my sister's dismay), and my legs aren't shaved unless I know they'll be bare.  So the realization that I need to be doing all of these things (okay, not the shaving) with the tots in my house hit me big.  I have 3 sets of teeth to brush twice every day (4 sets in a few months).  I am responsible for trimming 40 fingernails and 40 toenails . . . DO YOU EVEN REALIZE HOW FAST THOSE THINGS GROW!?!  I feel like I'm cutting somebody's nails every day.  Then there's hair to wash and brush and fix.  And with 3 kids ages 3 and under - it's always time to see a doctor for something.  Buying clothes is a constant ordeal.  Either they're getting bigger, or the season is changing.  It always amazes me when I get home and I've forgotten to get something as simple as socks.  I mean, how often do you buy socks for yourself?  Generally once a year - but at the rate kids grow I could buy socks as frequently as milk.

My whole life I wanted to be a mom.  It is constantly fulfilling, challenging, awe-inspiring and exhausting.  I expected most of that (although I don't think one can ever be prepared for the magnitude of each parental experience and emotion).  I never thought of all the details, which I avoid in my own life, and the importance of maintaining them for each person.  It didn't even occur to me that I would be the one making doctor's appointments, haircut appointments and dental appointments.  I have a hard enough time keeping up with such needs for myself (I haven't had a hair cut since April) - and now I'm responsible for seeing to it that 3 other people's needs are taken care of before they even realize they need them. 

As daunting as that is, I love it!  There's a picture of the Bug and Tank next to my computer - they were laughing when it was taken, and I can hear the sound of their giggles every time I look at it.  That never occured to me either, but it is the joy that fills my soul.

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